Sunday 17 April 2011

Concepts On How the Work Will be Viewed

Seeing as my work is coming together now, I have been thinking about how I will be displaying my final images. At the start of the project I had contemplated the idea of producing a book, however now I feel as though with the way the project has developed a book would not work well in the way I want the images to be read. Primarily, I’ll start by making concise points as to what one is meant to extract from the images and project as a whole, points which have previously been mentioned over different posts throughout the development.
-         A notable sibling relationship between the photographed and the photographer.
-         An account on how family images are changing with the introduction of digital photography.
-         The fact that the family album is disappearing due to the massive success of social networking websites.
-         In connection to the last point; recognition of the fact that images are being taken using a somewhat ‘dated’ medium.
-         A sentimental appreciation of the chosen medium.
The reason why a book would not work is because it would take away from the experience and the affiliations I hope for the viewer to make, a book is too formal, too standard and commercial and families don’t publish their images into books, which is what put me off the idea of publishing the photographs in such a manner. The idea which I then had in mind was to develop the selected images on a large scale, perhaps 12X16 and present them in an exhibition. However again I struggled with the idea for a couple of reasons. For one, I started to think about the blankness and cold environment an exhibit space has the tendency to be in, I resolved the matter however by realising I do not have to conform to the traditional exhibit space, the ‘white cube’. On the other hand, I thought it would be more interesting if the walls were painted a warm colour like yellow and a sofa was placed in the room to give it more of a family/homely feel when in the exhibition space. Next, I started to re-think the photograph sizes. Families did not used to print their images on such grand scale, so why should I do so now? I wondered. Smaller images, as we printed them in the past seemed more appropriate.   To take it a step further, I was thinking it would be interesting if the images weren’t framed in the traditional manner either. Rather than using identical, simple frames for every image, I thought it might be more appropriate to use a variance of different frames as one would have them in their home.
Below I have posted an image I quickly made on Adobe Photoshop, just to be able to better visualise the concept. The idea that the exhibition space looks like a living room filled with pictures on the wall, which the viewer then walks round and views. The arm chair is there to add to the experience more than anything.  

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