Thursday 10 February 2011


For this particular assignment I feel as though I really need to take on board the area of practise which appeals to me most. Throughout the first semester I was somewhat broader in regards to this issue than I should have been and looked into several areas of the industry which resulted in a lack of coherence within my work. Furthermore I intend on taking this on board and this time really focusing on one project and will not allow my brain to wonder for this particular task.
My interest in photography without doubt lies within documentary photography and when presented with an open brief I immediately knew I would be tackling this assignment within the confounds of documentary. In regards to my last blog I took into consideration some of my feedback, a mention being made towards my interest in photographing people I know. Therefore for this project I initially came up with the idea of producing portraits. The intention being to produce portraits of different people I know and for the images to reflect their personality. I would not have wanted to much elaboration in regards to construction within the images. Rather I would want to message to come through, through either personal surroundings, reflection of personal interests,  the subject’s attire or perhaps an amalgamation of the three. I continued to dwell on this idea when I started to think of perhaps photographing one person and reflecting just that one person through my photography. I began to feel more of an interest towards this idea, I decided a series of images taken by myself of someone I know could be interesting in emulating a connection between the photographer and the subject and developing an understanding of who the subject is. I thought of people I could produce such a project with, knowing it would be best to work with someone I know well and decided on using my brother as my subject. What I hope makes the photographs more interesting is the fact that we are siblings and I hope this connection between us comes through somehow in the photography.
Before I begin I will give a brief introduction of my brother. His name is Douglas, he is 25 years of age and my only sibling. Also a student at UCLan studying Journalism and English Literature I recently moved into the same house as him resulting in us living together again for the first time in around four years.  For the most part we share common morals and values and are open with each other regarding all aspects of our lives which for some reason is often regarded as atypical by outsiders. As of yet my intention is to capture the reality of my brother, who he is and things he does on a daily basis which aren’t particularly out of the ordinary and somehow obtain a visible connection between the photographed and the photographer.

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